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Mobbeombudet i Nordland

The Anti-Bullying Ombudsman is responsible for ensuring that all children and students in kindergartens and schools have a good psychosocial environment. Lasse Knutsen is the Anti-Bullying Ombudsman in Nordland.

The Ombudsman is an independent resource person who is bound by confidentiality. Cases will not be pursued further without your consent. Contact information for the Anti-Bullying Ombudsman can be found at the bottom of this article.

Who can contact the Anti-Bullying Ombudsman?

  • Children, youth, parents, and others around the child/youth
  • Leaders and employees in kindergartens and schools
  • Organizations seeking input on creating a good environment for growing up

What does the Anti-Bullying Ombudsman do?

  • Talks with you if you have experienced harassment or bullying
  • Guides and assists in solving challenges
  • Organizes courses and theme evenings in collaboration with parents
  • Contributes to courses and guidance for employees in schools and kindergartens
  • Collaborates with various organizations, such as the Student Organization, the Youth County Council, school health services, etc

Where can you find the Anti-Bullying Ombudsman?

  • Office at the County Hall in Bodø
  • Facebook, email, phone, etc.

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