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Exam for Private Individuals

Need to retake subjects or want to take a completely new subject without attending high school? Then the private candidate exam is an option for you.

To sign up for the private candidate exam, do this via the private candidate portal in Visma InSchool. The date when it is possible to sign up can be found in the private candidate portal.

It is very important that you as a private candidate read information about the private candidate exam in Nordland before you sign up. In addition to the information provided here, has utdanningsdirektoratet a lot of useful information on its website

Manual for the private candidate portal.

Retningslinjer for privatisteksamen i Nordland

Retningslinjer for gjennomføring av eksamen

Har du spørsmål om fagprøve, fag- og svennebrev tar du kontakt via kontaktskjema eller på telefon: 75650000.

Har du spørsmål om eksamen som elev tar du kontakt med skolen din.