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Health Promoting Schools

Presentation with figures and our criterias below the text

Most Impotant:

Based on our knowledge and the situation in our society our work tries to:

  • Prevent all forms for Exclusion
  • Promote physical and Mental Health
  • Increase the number who completes High-School with a diploma or a certificate of apprenticeship. Prevent NEET (Not in Education, Employment, or Training)


Most Important for our systematically work:

  • We have a formal agreement with all of our 41 municipalities on promoting public health. In this agreement every municipality have agreed to implement criteria for Health Promoting Schools and Pre-schools (Kindergarden).
  • We have developed 10 criteria which we believe schools and pre-schools have to fulfill with routines and systematically work.
  • We (Nordland fylkeskommune and partners) offer guidance to municipality level and to each school based on tailoring and ecological approach. We offer several theme courses to schools based on their needs to fulfill all criteria (in a three year project).
  • When headmaster is satified and all criteria are fulfilled, they arrange a marking of goal achivement and they get a wallsign and a gift for their work.
  • We offer a yearly seminar to participating schools to secure mild pressure and follwing up best practice. This seminar contains: latest research, inspiration lectures and networking.