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Public Health and Local Community Development in Nordland

Nordland County Council uses the UN's sustainability goals as a premise for development in the county. The main goal of our work is reducing Social Inequalities in Health and improving quality of life of our inhabitants.

Nordland County Council's priorities in public health are:

  • Be the driving force behind, and coordinate, public health work in the county
  • Present an overview and analysis of the health situation and factors that influence our health.
  • Communicate and stimulate knowledge-based public health initiatives
  • Promote public health within the County council's own areas of responsibility.
  • Guide municipalities and other partners in public health work and local community development.
  • Facilitate competence development, courses, networks and seminars.
  • Collaborate with the municipalities and other important actors on local community development.

The five strategies set out in the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion are essential for success:

  • build healthy public policy
  • create supportive environments
  • strengthen community action
  • develop personal skills
  • reorient health services.

Health promotion involves action:

  • to inform people of what they could do to stay healthy  
  • to address the things in the community that influence health and wellbeing the most, so that these can be supported.

Measures are required in all sectors to create good growing up and living conditions, and to develop a society that facilitates good living habits and promotes community, security, inclusion and participation. “Health is created where we live and work”.

Local community development includes the municipalities' development work and ranges from investment in housing, site development and community planning, to relocation, recruitment, diversity, qualification and integration.

Local community development can include a single place in a municipality, or development work in an entire municipality. It can include a small village, or a larger city.

Our main projects and activities:

Health Promoting Preschools and Schools

Programme for Public Health Work in the Municipalities

Young Inclusion

Municipalities in Rural Areas

Regional Public Health Week

Cooperation and Networks