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Programme for public health work in the municipalities

It is a ten-year initiative to develop the municipalities' actions to promote the population's health, well- being and quality of life. The programme is contributing to strengthening the municipalities' long-term and systematic public health work – based on the Public Health Act.

Activities under this programme must be knowledge-based and possible to implement (realistic). The program will contribute to increasing cooperation between sectors at both national and municipal level.

The main target group is children and young people.

The program shall:


  • in particular contribute to integrating mental health as part of local public health work.
  • promote local drug prevention work.
  • have children and young people as a priority target group.
  • emphasize knowledge-based development and the spread of measures, among other things to strengthen children and young people's security, coping and use of their own resources.
  • seek to prevent alienation by promoting belonging, participation and activity in the local community.
  • facilitate cooperation between actors within, among other things the health service, schools and kindergartens, the police and the voluntary sector.